I have a question regarding the Hyster D4E on the back of my 955H. It was non-operational when I bought it due to frozen cables, I have since gotten those freed up and was planning on doing a full service (fluids, brake adjustments...etc). I downloaded the manual from allied winches and it has been helpful but while I am servicing it, I plan on installing an optional hitch like the one pictured. When it rains our part of TN, the Cat is our only vehicle capable of recovering anything stuck in the mud and the hitch would be a welcome addition.
My question is, the large center nuts in the attached picture labeled item #12 (Nut - hex- special)...Do they have a torque spec or something else I need to know before I take them off so I can access the R.H. side panel? I'm used to working with military manuals and pretty much everything has a torque spec. I've read the manual cover to cover and can't find anything other than general winch specs.
Hyster doesn't provide torques for much of anything except mounting studs.
I don't think that #12 nut is all that critical other than being snug.
Anything else could use standard fastener torques except that nut which is a cut down special.
Hyster doesn't provide torques for much of anything except mounting studs.
I don't think that #12 nut is all that critical other than being snug.
Anything else could use standard fastener torques except that nut which is a cut down special.
Old Magnet,
much appreciated! I figured someone on here would know the answer. Looks like it's about time I get that membership, I've been debating it for a few months.