Hi AM,
as a starting point suggest you re-tension the cylinder head fasteners.
First back off the cylinder head bolts/nuts one half of one flat and re-tension to specification and then go back over the fasteners a second time until all fasteners do not move. Then keep an eye on it, if the leak persists a new head gasket would be required as well as checking that the cylinder liners have the specified protrusion height above the cylinder block surface--if out of spec. something will need to be done to rectify the issue--liner removal and re-shim after checking the liner seats are not cracked or fretted etc. if fretted then the seats need to be re-cut and appropriate thickness shims fitted to come within spec.
From memory the Serial Number may also be on the lower right of the firewall in operators compartment
The engine S/No plate should be on the left side of the engine near the block/head parting line on a flat piece of casting for such--if no plate S/No is usually stamped into the block under the plate.
Eddie B.