Well, yesterday started as any usual Monday-back to the grind...but I called a buddy of mine that does a lot of hauling; I mentioned that I was looking for an excavator (larger sized, not mini) and he told me of a Cat 325 that could be had TODAY for ~$6000. It was missing the bucket and the top hydraulic cylinder, had some engine trouble but ran, had a good UC, good turntable, good hyd pump/drive, and he knew where the bucket and upper hyd cyl were! I was nearly thrilled! He said he would call the guy that was supposed to haul it off for scrap THAT DAY and I give him my number. Within 3min I got a call. Turns out he had to move the 325 from it's location that day and we struck a deal-IF he could get it loaded without cutting off the boom-he'd haul it an hour north to our agreed-upon destination where his check would be waiting. Plus, he'd call and let me know about his progress.
So far so good!!
I called the bank, had a cashier's check cut, and waited to hear back from him. When I got another break from work, I called him at about 1pm. "How's it going?" I asked. "I had to cut it up," was his reply. He added, "I got it loaded and grossed out at 133,000# and I can only haul 120,000#; besides the tracks were locked up. It was going to be more trouble than it's worth."
"Oh, I'm very sorry to hear that, but I do appreciate your time and efforts to get it to me; I understand you're in a time crunch but I just really hoped it would've worked out. I guess it just wasn't meant to be," I replied.
"Well, I do come across machines this size now and then and I have your number, so I'll keep you in mind." "That would be great; thanks. And again, I deeply appreciate your time."
So it went yesterday:I made a new contact who seems like a decent sort, but sadly had a fantastic machine slip thru my fingers and succumb to the torch. LORD-willing, another machine opportunity will present that isn't lost to time.
Sorry to relay bad news, but I think too often machines are cut up for scrap that would otherwise serve well-especially for my purposes.
1988 JCB 1400B backhoe
1966 Cat D9 cable dozer
1966 Cat 980 wheel loader
1967 Galion 140 grader
1963 Cat D7E hydraulic dozer 47A886
196? Cat 112 grader 3U3308 (engine: 3U243)