I would check to see if you are getting spark. The next thing to think about is this. If you shut the gas off and let it run out, it may take a while for the fuel pump to push fuel over to the carb. You can put some gas in the priming cups and see if it goes.
i have not pulled the plugs as of yet, the fuel pump is by passed and the carb is gravity fed, i filled the primer cups several times and no luck. i do have it parked on a slight hill im thinking that maybee when im filling the cups is not flowing the right way? thanks.
hello fstelma ,if it has sat out side it may have condensation inside the mag ,check inside distributor cap and were the leads go in and inside the top lid for any moisture, you can dry it in a warm oven ,don't toast it ,lol,bruce oz
bruce, thanks will do that may be the prob? its under cover but still in the humid fla air.
Hello Fstelma
I have a Cat 22 I took it to rough and tumble in PA this year and when I got back I left it outside till the next show in two weeks the show came and it would not start the mag was full of condensation I put a small flame to dry it up, I had to pull start to get going but after running a while it started up on it own hope this helps.
Jason, thanks for the tip ill get deeper into it tommrow, trying to get it ready for the nov show here, frank