Ok, Im 99.9 Sure The Mag Is Shot, Its A Model Ct-4 Ser# J7435, Eisemann. Any Interchanges THAT WOULD REPLACE THIS???
Most any of the Fairbanks Morse J series will fit as will other Eisemann and most other mags as long as the rotation is the same. Rotation can be changed but it takes some work on the impulse and changing the timing of the mag internally. Most mags are marked for number 1 but it really makes no differance as long as you make sure which post is firing on the mag and connect that to the cylinder that is also in the firing position. If I remember the firing order is 1-3-4-2 but best check that out for sure. What I do is fire the mag, get the cylinder at TDC for the firing stroke and attach the mag without moving anything, then fine tune from there.Good LuckGene
Gene, Thank You Wiil Try, Frank
The correct mag is actually or should be a CM-4. I have a good hot one for sale. If you are interested, please feel free to PM me.