I got the magneto back, took the valve cover off, pulled spark plugs, brought #1 one round installed mag lined up the short tooth in center of window tightened everything up, wire brushed plugs and holes, cleaned rotor, checked for spark on all four plugs, installed plugs checked firing order, checked fuel flow and fuel pump unhooked intake filter, drained carb and no start! Don't like to but used a little ether, no go. Put my hand over intake and lots of suction and a little smoke and kick but no start. I have compression, no adapter for a gauge, I have good spark, good ground. Even removed ground wire from mag. So just before I gave up and pulled the tarps I brought #1 around, pulled cap checked rotor and it didn't seem right so pulled little brass plug and my short tooth mark (white outed) wasn't in the middle of window. Looks like 2 to 3 teeth off? The magneto shop pulled it apart to double check marks and said it was right on.?????? I bought a Eissman manual and its a great copy and shows how to install it. help thanx steve
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