I broke the front spindle on my Cat 12 # 8T 12795 a while back, and am just now getting around to trying to fix it. I have a doner machine, but need to remove the pin (kingpin). From the service manual and the parts book, it looks like I need to remove the snap ring and the metal disc from atop the pin, and remove it out the top. Am I looking at this correctly? It doesn't seem to show anything on the bottom, and I'm not sure from looking at it. Anyone have any experience with this? Definitely not looking forward to driving out these pins which have likely not been out for 75 years. Thanks for any tips.
Hello Flatop,
I've never had the pleasure of replacing the front spindle on a Cat 12 8T. I looked up the procedure in the ACMOC library service manual for the 8T and it seems to me you are correct.