I will tell them--I believe they eliminated hotmail if you have that--lots of hackers
I notice you have no space in your handle on that site??
Sorry--I was referring to the Antique Construction Machinery Site---not the Caterpillar site.
Are you sure your return emails aren't going in a spam folder or something like that? Had that happen a time or two for no reason I can figure.
Good idea CC-------------but checked junk mail and don't find anything fitting their description.
Tried again tonight-----------apparently I am not using my right password, or it is not identifying my password. Anyway---------when I click on the message for the site to send me my password, it says that it has recoginized DeltaDirt and is forwarding the password.
But nothing ever shows up on my e-mail account?
I was able to access Joe Black's site tonight----------don't know what that problem has been. Even though I was able to access it--------everything was working real slow for me.
Ain't nobody missing any good information from me---------------but I might be missing something from them!!!!!!!!!:deadhorse::brick:
(like beating on a deadhorse-------or getting a brick thrown at you!!!!!)
Delta Dirt
DD, I can't log onto the site either unless I know my login number 42 and some crazy computer generated password.
DD and Mike , I will let Bill know your having problems ,See if he can look into it for you both .
DD and Mike , I Noticed ,Both your user names there do NOT have the space between the two words .
If your putting the space in out of habit to log on here .That may be the reason ,you are not being recognised by ther forum .
DD--sent you an email from the Antique Construction site and lets see if that goes through.