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Call for Nominee's, 2019 ACMOC Board of Directors

Call for Nominee's, 2019 ACMOC Board of Directors

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Send a private message to haberaj
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Good Day

Nominations are currently being accepted for this years Board of Directors election. This year there will be a need for candidates to fill up to 5 available seats.
Andrew Haberle, 2 terms have been served, not eligible for re-election
Trish Walker, appointed for a partial term, elected to 1 term, eligible for re-election
Nathan Duncan, appointed to a 1 year term, eligible for 2 full terms
Sue Westwood, appointed to a 1 year term, eligible for 2 full terms
Jan Meermans, appointed to a 1 year term,, eligible for 2 full terms
Ideally you would have been a member of ACMOC for at least 3 years, be familiar with the club bylaws, have experience working in a committee structure, and have access to the internet for attendance to monthly meetings.
Nominations are due by May 31st this year. For full information please reference page 9 in the current magazine, or contact Bryan Immick, Neil Clysdale, or myself.

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Fri, Apr 19, 2019 6:32 PM
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Send a private message to haberaj
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Pushing this back to the top.
Nominations are being accepted
Now's your chance to have a say in the operation of the club

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Wed, May 1, 2019 7:16 AM
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Send a private message to haberaj
Posts: 101
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Reply to haberaj:
Pushing this back to the top.
Nominations are being accepted
Now's your chance to have a say in the operation of the club

I'm nothing if not persistent
Nominations are still being accepted until the end of the Month for election to the Board of Directors.
Qualifications include being a member of ACMOC for at least 3 years, a knowledge of the bylaws, a willingness to contribute to the future of the club, the ability to attend monthly meeting by teleconference and to travel to one or more national events per year with limited travel reimbursement.
Desirables would include experience working on a Board with a committee structure, talent or interest in any of the facets of the club in which we operate within.
For further information or to apply contact Bryan Immink, Neil Clydsdale or Andy Haberle.

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Wed, May 15, 2019 7:27 AM
Send a private message to janmeermans
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Reply to haberaj:
I'm nothing if not persistent
Nominations are still being accepted until the end of the Month for election to the Board of Directors.
Qualifications include being a member of ACMOC for at least 3 years, a knowledge of the bylaws, a willingness to contribute to the future of the club, the ability to attend monthly meeting by teleconference and to travel to one or more national events per year with limited travel reimbursement.
Desirables would include experience working on a Board with a committee structure, talent or interest in any of the facets of the club in which we operate within.
For further information or to apply contact Bryan Immink, Neil Clydsdale or Andy Haberle.

We had a Board meeting last night and it was announced that we are still 2 candidates shy of filling our slate for next election. With all the grousing that has been going on here, I thought for sure that some folks would step up to make things "better" but alas, that is not happening. This is your chance to make a difference if you feel things are not being done correctly. We certainly could use more help with new ideas and just plain helping to pull the load. If we can't fill up our slate, the Board will be the equivalent of a D6 9U hooked to a 435 scraper. We'll be able to open the apron, pull the ejector and eventually get the job done but it won't be easy. Pulling a scraper that you can only half fill, is not a good thing. Dirt boiling over the sides is much more fun!

Please give this some careful consideration.

I am off tomorrow for the Best of the West Show and looking forward to seeing many of my friends. If we have not met and you are in attendance, please come up and introduce yourself. I like to put faces with the names I see here on the BB. If the Link Belt dragline boom is spinning, more than likely I will be out there on it. Come by and say hello.

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Wed, May 22, 2019 6:42 AM
Paso Bob
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Reply to janmeermans:
We had a Board meeting last night and it was announced that we are still 2 candidates shy of filling our slate for next election. With all the grousing that has been going on here, I thought for sure that some folks would step up to make things "better" but alas, that is not happening. This is your chance to make a difference if you feel things are not being done correctly. We certainly could use more help with new ideas and just plain helping to pull the load. If we can't fill up our slate, the Board will be the equivalent of a D6 9U hooked to a 435 scraper. We'll be able to open the apron, pull the ejector and eventually get the job done but it won't be easy. Pulling a scraper that you can only half fill, is not a good thing. Dirt boiling over the sides is much more fun!

Please give this some careful consideration.

I am off tomorrow for the Best of the West Show and looking forward to seeing many of my friends. If we have not met and you are in attendance, please come up and introduce yourself. I like to put faces with the names I see here on the BB. If the Link Belt dragline boom is spinning, more than likely I will be out there on it. Come by and say hello.

It is really unfortunate to have to plead with members to step up. It is also unfortunate to be in a position of being a decision maker and having a target on your back bigger than your body size. With all of the naysayers that are eagerly willing to tear into the directors for their decisions and enough criticism to last a lifetime, who would want to serve. Those who were most vocal are now the quietest on this thread. Crickets...
D-4 7U-43159 with 4S dozer and Cat 40 scraper, D-7 3T-1179 with Cat 7S hydraulic dozer, D-7 17A 13,944, D-8 14A-1160 with Cat 8S cable dozer, Cat 12-99E-4433 Grader. All runners and users.
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Wed, May 22, 2019 11:40 AM
Deas Plant.
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Reply to Paso Bob:
It is really unfortunate to have to plead with members to step up. It is also unfortunate to be in a position of being a decision maker and having a target on your back bigger than your body size. With all of the naysayers that are eagerly willing to tear into the directors for their decisions and enough criticism to last a lifetime, who would want to serve. Those who were most vocal are now the quietest on this thread. Crickets...
Hi, Folks.
If anybody is wondering about nominating for the Board of Directors but is being put off by recent events, I would suggest that the current BoD composition would make a much better working environment than those of the recent past. I have met four of the current BoD members, worked with two of those on various shows, and had several communications with a couple of the others. They all seem much more open, communicative and receptive to new ideas than some of those in the past.

I would encourage younger ACMOC members to seriously consider nominating for these positions as this club will become more and more YOUR club as older members pass on, as we all will do at some point.

Just my 0.02.
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Wed, May 22, 2019 9:07 PM
Send a private message to Ciao
Posts: 22
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Reply to Deas Plant.:
Hi, Folks.
If anybody is wondering about nominating for the Board of Directors but is being put off by recent events, I would suggest that the current BoD composition would make a much better working environment than those of the recent past. I have met four of the current BoD members, worked with two of those on various shows, and had several communications with a couple of the others. They all seem much more open, communicative and receptive to new ideas than some of those in the past.

I would encourage younger ACMOC members to seriously consider nominating for these positions as this club will become more and more YOUR club as older members pass on, as we all will do at some point.

Just my 0.02.
That's good to know. But who are the candidates for the election to date?

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Thu, May 23, 2019 1:41 AM
Send a private message to dpendzic
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Reply to Ciao:
That's good to know. But who are the candidates for the election to date?

C'mon Deas--i thought for sure you would jump aboard this year with all your wisdom and insight of the club?
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Thu, May 23, 2019 2:49 AM
Topic Author
Send a private message to haberaj
Posts: 101
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Reply to Ciao:
That's good to know. But who are the candidates for the election to date?

[quote="Ciao"]That's good to know. But who are the candidates for the election to date?


Good Day

The 3 candidates to date are all current Board members, Jan Meermens, Nathan Duncan, and Sue Westwood. All were past volunteers for the role, each of them is eligible to serve 2 elected terms to the board should they so wish to continue for that duration.
The remaining open seats that will be eligible for election are those of Trish Walker, whom is eligible for another term, and my seat as I have served 2 consecutive terms and am ineligible for reelection. The position of President does not go along with my vacancy, that position is determined in early January of 2019 by the newly elected Board by vote. So if that's what holding anyone back from nominating themselves, don't let that be a concern. There remains 1 week to get your nominations in to the office for consideration. As Jan has said, with all of the concern that was expressed last year over the issue, we all surly had hoped there would be more candidates that those who have already volunteered their time and talents to the club.

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Thu, May 23, 2019 6:39 AM
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