Reply to Old Magnet:
1/2" IWRC 6/19 is what's called out in the O & M Manual
Hi Team,
what is given above is correct.
Scan from a No 30 CCU OMI for the actual words from Yellow Father--for the doubters.
EDIT for later Specs.
WELL, we have found that there are newer Specs. from Big Yellow Father and are currently as follows :-
Newer cable spec. :-
1/2 inch, 6 X 25 filler wire, right Lang lay, independent wire centre, preformed improved plough steel type.
The welding of the ends of the rope they refer to is that we used to wrap several turns (Lashing style) 1/16" welding wire around the cable about 3/4" in from the end and cut --melt-- the cable thru with an oxy cutting torch and so doing this welded the strands together and so help stop unraveling during threading--especially when doing a Scraper bowl sliding sheave block in the goose-neck crossbeam-- for the fist time in the New Equipment shop.
Old cables we replaced by similarly welding/melting the old and new cables together to reeve the new cable in by pulling the old cable out it drew in the new one--broken scraper apron cables were a fun job- not--lots of grease and dirt in the goose-neck crossbeam and fish hook cable wire shards everywhere.
Only cable spec., that I am aware of, that varies from this is used for the actual Wheel Scraper Apron lift cables--this would be given in a Scraper OMI, of which I do not have any off.
Eddie B.