There are some differences in how the mechanism is laid out. Similar, but at least looking through the holes in the side covers where you have to adjust the free travel and brake, things are a little different. A parts book would tell you. Probably the main difference is where the PTO shaft comes into the unit. The one on our D7E is on the upper right side instead of the lower center on the #25, I think it is a #126???
D7E uses a #127 CCU 31E-up with live pto drive shaft.
#126 CCU 32E-up is similar to the #25 with differences that would have to be compared. Uses the same adapter but drive shafts can differ. Main differences are in the height of the control levers to clear the D6B & D6C fuel tanks.
What are you looking to mount unit on?
Hi OM; isn,t for me but have got a mate with a 25 but he cant find a service manuel; ive got a 32E. 126 manuel; just checking see if anyone knew of any differences in them.
cheers π
If the #25 is a 32E model, it's the same as the 32E #125 and 32E #126.
If the #25 is a 9D501-up model some parts are different but I'd say most of the service information would be applicable. If you have specific part interchanges in mind I can look up and compare the items. I don't have a 32E service manual.
Hi OM, yes if you have the pinion preload adjustment spec for a 9D would be great thanks