Reply to JohnnyJ:
I was thinking probably the clutch was seized. I’ve heard that over raising could cause problems and have always been cautious to not get it too high. My manuals haven’t any front winch ccu info even tho my serial # is included. Is the service man’s reference library available? I can crank engine to continue raising as wimmera suggested just don’t want to overextend the cable.. much thanks to you all… input is appreciated..
Early ccu's had a right-hand thread on the spindle nut, the adjustment in the center of the spool that you see from the front. Later ones had a left=hand thread. This is because, if that clamp fails to hold that nut from turning, the friction inside the drum will cause it to self-tighten and everything goes up in a hurry when it becomes tight. If you are working it, diesel running balls out, the whole picture, that blade will go up. totally out of control, and you will have to shut down the engine while your friction disks are going up in smoke. If you have the later spindle with left hand threads, the blade just goes down and stays there. Merely inconvenient. Last time I saw this happen they crawled out on the hood and cut the cable off at the wedge. It is dangerous to do this; that free end with the blade pulling it out of the blocks, goes wilder than any bull whip you ever saw and could take a hand off I imagine, or worse.
I would think that you could kill the engine, block the brake in a free mode, open the compression relief, and run the ccs out backwards by pulling the fan blades around in reverse direction. Anybody out there tried that? I haven't lately found myself in your situation to give it a try.
And again and always: Don't ever work on a raised or running dozer from between the hard nose and the blade or C-frame. There isn't enough room and it will kill you sooner or later.
Good luck and stay safe!