Thanks John. You can go to the wheat life website and look at past magazines, however the current issue can't be viewed yet. Trista took some great pictures, I can't get over how red the Harris looks in her pictures. I guess that's what happens when you have a real camera, not a glorified calculator with a camera built in lol.
Bruce, just stopped in Ritzville today and got some extra copy's. Think she wants me to run for office or something. See how many times my mug showed up in that issue. Great article just like your first Harris Harvest. Sorry, I didn't recognize Carl F. Think maybe I was still running Harris's when I first met him. He had black hair then.
Here's the link to past issues. Probably will be up in Nov.
Hey Headerpuncher, I was up at 1:30 this am too! Youngest had an ear ache.
I thought I would get a few extra copies at our next board meeting Tuesday. That was a great day, probably the most fun I've had in a while.
Are you coming to Morgan's plowing?
Figured on it Bruce, if you can keep it from raining that day. those guys don't need all the rain they get down there anyway.
No kidding. Between their fancy deep dirt and their 25" of rain. No wonder they grow 120 bushel wheat. Lol