Well SJ, it's because you will get blasted over here for having fun. So all of it has to happen on the other site.
There are a few regular posters on the other site. Maybe that intimidates some from posting, but there are quite a few regular lurkers there that have never posted at at all.
Of course there are those here that will say I am only typing this to raise my posting count.
SJ - The ACME forum site was initiated with a wider variety of topics, off-brands discussion, and general chat, because the ACMOC club originally had a very narrow view of what was to be discussed on the ACMOC forum. I can recall one club member becoming very hostile towards me when a picture of a gold-painted tractor was posted, and I remarked that it should have been a Cat, to reflect the price of Cat parts .. 😄
The original ACMOC forum discussion had to be purely Caterpillar, and no other brand was considered worthy of discussion, any remark critical of Caterpillar was deemed nothing less than being a traitor, and general chat was discouraged, as being out of line.
There is no doubt that recent club changes have altered that perception somewhat .. but the ACMOC forum is set up to reflect the ACMOC club aims, supply the club members requirements, and to support the belief that Cat manufacture the finest equipment on Earth.
I have no problem with that .. however, the ACME forum reflects a more relaxed view of the world .. with general chat, sometimes-risque jokes, support for off-brands .. all without a club framework .. but with recognition and acknowledgement, that Caterpillar are the worlds dominant earthmoving equipment manufacturer and supplier.
Oz, that was quite eloquently explained. 😄
SJ - The ACME forum site was initiated with a wider variety of topics, off-brands discussion, and general chat, because the ACMOC club originally had a very narrow view of what was to be discussed on the ACMOC forum. I can recall one club member becoming very hostile towards me when a picture of a gold-painted tractor was posted, and I remarked that it should have been a Cat, to reflect the price of Cat parts .. 😄
The original ACMOC forum discussion had to be purely Caterpillar, and no other brand was considered worthy of discussion, any remark critical of Caterpillar was deemed nothing less than being a traitor, and general chat was discouraged, as being out of line.
There is no doubt that recent club changes have altered that perception somewhat .. but the ACMOC forum is set up to reflect the ACMOC club aims, supply the club members requirements, and to support the belief that Cat manufacture the finest equipment on Earth.
I have no problem with that .. however, the ACME forum reflects a more relaxed view of the world .. with general chat, sometimes-risque jokes, support for off-brands .. all without a club framework .. but with recognition and acknowledgement, that Caterpillar are the worlds dominant earthmoving equipment manufacturer and supplier.
hello ,both site are great if you love caterpillars 😄 ,bruce oz
I'll Drink to that!😄 Bruce
I like this ACMOC site the best. I always like its technical answers and I have learned a lot here. Old Magnet and Bruce Oz, to name a couple of the posters here, have a wealth of knowledge and they have really helped me with the history of Cats and operation of them. Even at 65 years old, everyday I learn something new here. I always try to think everything through first before posting. In posting anything on any bulletin board, there will always be someone there to challenge you. 😎
I'm not fazed by people disgreeing with me .. I'm happy to freely admit I'm wrong on numerous occasions (well, at least once, that I can recall .. 😄 ), and happy to be corrected by others where I'm technically wrong, or have erred in other information.
I have a long way to go, to beat OM's engineering background, wealth of antique Cat knowledge, resources, and fast replies .. or ccjerseys great electrical knowledge and regular contributions .. along with a heap of other ACMOC contributors who are too numerous to list.
I believe it's a mistake to have one, or maybe two people, being the major source of info for a forum.
For a long time, I felt obliged to answer everyones question on the old ACMOC forum, and on ACME when it first cranked up .. then I started to realise that I was not only becoming a slave to the forums .. but that my answers were comprising the majority of the answers.
I much prefer to back off, and just become a regular contributor, along with many others. A forum gathers strength and usefulness by diversity of contributors.
I cannot answer every single question to the nth degree .. I just don't have the experience of every single job situation, component, modification, or attachment, that's involved in the massive range of operations covered by earthmoving, agricultural, mining, logging, roadmaking, construction, and the myriad of other fields in which equipment is used.
I do have a reasonably good knowledge range of repair work, operation, and training, that I'm happy to share. However, it's far better for others to chime in frequently, to add or correct, and expand the forum knowledge base.
I have to agree with SSsssteamer........this is a great site for a lot of technical information. I have been interested in the old Cats only for a short time and have limited knowledge of them but have always received an answer to my questions no matter how trivial on this BB and on occassion from the other site. I am very appreciative of the members here and at the other site no matter where they may reside in this world.
Have a good day.........Bill