clark 290M or cat 830M
clark 290M or cat 830M
Plus a SuperLiner
I think those are Clark’s not Cats - the grill/rad just doesn’t look like a Cat grill/rad
I could very well be wrong but they just screem Clark more than Cat
Yea they look a lot like the Army's M290 scrapers. Don't know who made em.
Hi, Folks
Yep, methinks Clark 290Ms also. Although there isn't a real clear view, the radiator surround looks a little too 'square' for a Cat 830MB.
Thanks for sharing, Irwin.
Just my 0.02.
Jan Meermans may chime in. He used to use one like these for booze runs in Viet Nam if my memory is correct.
Yea IIRC the Army got rid of those sometime in the late 80's.
Found my dad's Vietnam pictures today and had a picture or two of these babies. He was in the army engineers and was tasked at keeping all of the armies dozers and other machines running. He said he never got to shoot at anybody, in fact was on KP duty in basic when they where on the rifle range. But he was shot at many a times while working on machines in the field. I will have to ask if he would write a story for the magazine.