Hi Steve,
Are Twenty Two nuts and bolts the same?
The parts cat is going to the scrapper in Dec. You're welcome to those if you want them.
Thanks scott. Actually the 22 nuts on all mine are the taller style, but I've been meaning to call you anyways. I need two more good 10" wide pads to finish this set, and was wondering if that machine had 10" pads. If I remember, one side rail was newer than the other. I'll call you later today.
Ok, pics to help. Left bolt is a modern replacement, with taller rounded head, slightly longer and square nut. Second from left is original bolt, washer and nut that I'm trying to duplicate. Next is the 1-1/4" new grade 8. Note it's threaded all the way, and the new nut which is wider and takes a 11/16" wrench. Then the bolt on the right is the longer grade 8 bolt I cut to length, and the new coupling style nut which am thinking about trimming to be shorter, and it has the correct narrower 5/8" width. The far right bolt is one that i cut out with a torch, since the head is too worn down to turn with a socket.
The grouser pad is what I was talking about needing 2 more as close as possible to it. My donor tractor had the old cut one link out treatment. That's why I'm short one pad on each side.![]()
You could try Fastenal if they are in your area it might be possible they may have a supplier that makes similar nuts or bolts. I have gotten many odd ball and different fasteners in the past from them for several projects. Other than that a few years back I remember working with both the tall and short bolts and the square and hex nuts as I worked at the local Cat dealership.
Thanks, I tried fastenall and struck out there, but I agree they are great for lots of stuff. I am just being difficult trying to match the early parts as much as possible.
Update: I was able to get some time today, and harvested 66 more nuts from parts tractor #2! I have some more to get from it, but ran out of time! So up to 132, I have enough for one side at least now. 👍
This tractor had bolts that were in better shape, they weren't quite as worn down so bad. So I was able to get a socket to turn more of them.
Update: I think I lucked out, found a very close brand new 7/16" nut, with the correct width and height. So now, I have found both the correct size shorter and taller nut, for either the fifteen or twenty two. Without having to do any cutting!:dance:
Now for the bolts, the closest I have gotten is a 7/16" X 2" grade 8, and cut to length so it has the matching portion not threaded that is in the pads and rails, like the originals. I made a simple jig to cut them to length.
I received my bolts from Cat. They are the black colored ones. I decided to not use them just because they have the larger size 11/16" hex for both the bolt and nut, and I'm trying to match the old ones as close as I can. It doesn't hurt that the grade 8's are quite a bit less expensive, also.
I don't think it would be a problem using a full threaded bolt with regards to the threads being in the rails, but has anybody else seen the threads squash down and loosen is a track application? I really don't think these little tractors would be nearly as demanding as a larger tractor would be.
anyways, enough rambling. Here's a couple pics of what I found, in case anyone is interested.
And my donor rails that I am having disassembled for the pins and bushings should be done soon. I am still working on taking the pads I want to use off the tractor they are on right now. Sure would be easier if these old bolts I am removing weren't so rusted and worn away! But after cutting several hundred off, I'm finding it's probably equal to or faster to just torch them off than it is to unbolt them, considering the time it takes cleaning the rust and dirt off with a chisel to get a good bite with the socket.![]()
Hi Steve,
The Twenty Two pads are 10 inches.
Using a full threaded bolt or any bolt that does not have the proper track bolt shoulder will come loose right away, and damage things. If you were going to use it for a static display, that will work, but even running it in shows will be enough to do damage with the wrong bolts.