Hi, Folks.
Tom needs to get his act together. LOL. He has only told you part of it. There will be WORKING vintage earth moving and plowing displays happening pretty much all day on each of the 3 days.
The trains will be running and taking people for rides. Fair warning though - some of the local 'malcontents', too danged lazy to go out and make an 'honest' living, seem to have a habit of holding up a train occasionally, robbing the passengers and even kidnapping a child or two. (Must be some pretty meek-n-mild train passengers so far though as nobody has yet been shot for resisting.)
Being as it is Memorial Day weekend, a time to thank ALL those who have served and especially those who gave their lives, there are displays of military hardware and 'warbirds' and you can even watch the planes take off and land on the ranch's own airstrip.
There will be a fairly extensive working stationary engine display with some real oldtimers 'ackshully' running and a collection of vintage fire trucks and appliances.
Food and drinks, including 'adult beverages', will be available on site and local radio station, KJUG, will be there broadcasting from the show.
Gotchyer attention yet?
Just my 0.02.
sounds like a fun weekend. we dont get too many shows with the opportunity for working demo's of earthmoving and ploughing in Australia as most events are held on local show-grounds and parks as not too many clubs have thier own land or members with large enough properties of their own its also a sticky thing with insurance when on private land.
Hi, trainzkid88.
We do TRY to have fun.
Jondaryan Woolshed used to have a vintage machinery show with a working earth moving dispay - dunno about post-kung flu. - and Kingaroy hadda working display the only year I was able to make it there. I think Biloela was looking into the possibility of having one too. There wasn't one at Oakey the year I went there but Warracknabeal in Victoria had one on each of the two years I made it down there.
The other BIGGGG difference that I have noticed is that many American machinery owners seem much more open to letting others operate their machines than I have seen at Australian shows.
Just my 0.02.
looking to stay in Moss bay area any suggestions
Hi, oilcan 47.
I don't know that area at all but a google search for accommodation or motels should bring up some answers. That area is about 2 hours drive North of the show if that is the reason for your visit.
Just my 0.02.