Hey! Great to hear from you, been wondering how things were. No dont sell it! hire it out, tell him you'll do the job for him, make some money with it. Keep an eye on the screens and magnetic plugs on the finals, keep the right oil in them.
Not sure I like the new site! Looks good though! Yeah this guy would not take no for an answer! Anyway, I need to sort out the alternator/generator! I never got around to doing the finals! I will make sure I do them next! No leaks on the old girl now I am sure you remember I did a ton on the old girl. I am going to take some pics of her.... Put it as my pic on my profile... Happy New Year! Talk soon! George
Second Rome's suggestion - wet-hire it back to him so no cowboys treat it roughly - get paid by the yard so no time pressure (for breakdowns : )
Those D9 finals can be a challenge, not like your basic D7G finals.
aloha George....i second Neil, and third Rome's suggestions!
it is a great feeling to rescue these machines and bring them back to glory...i don't understand guys that won't repair or do maintenance to keep them running properly but yet want a dozer??
Second Rome's suggestion - wet-hire it back to him so no cowboys treat it roughly - get paid by the yard so no time pressure (for breakdowns : )
Great hearing from you guys! You have to remember where I am. Its not like its cheap to transport a D9 from California to Hawaii... I am not sure on freight but crazy price like $30,000. Needless to say no way would I let the previous owner rent it from me! It took me 6 months and alot of crap to get her back... Besides I dont think any of us wants to hear me again... LOL. I was hoping to get to one of the shows but because of covid well we know how that went.... I have a great wife and she said no way is that dozer going anywhere! We sacraficed to much.... You buy something else and your right back where you started... She is right...
I will take the sample from the transmission and the finals to cat and get them analized... I am no cowboy on her I try to be smooth and steady.... I fix it so I respect it.... Cant wait to chat more...Any ideas on the alternator? Remember Generator is on her now was benched tested and passed... Replaced the regulator and flashed it and never charged the batteries... Not sure on what next to do.... I will figure it out as we always do! Talk to you guys soon... I dont want to
What type generator do you have. Type A (Delco Remy) or type B (American Bosch).
They have a different polarizing procedure.
If you wish to go alternator, gear drive is preferred.
I don't recall your s/n but I believe it should already have a 24 volt belt drive alternator.