I just recently joined ACMOC after reading a post that outlined the cost of membership vs. the invaluable amount of information you can receive from those who have been there and done that. And from those who are soo willing to share!
[quote="Snuffy"]Today I followed Mike Meyer's lead and donated $100.00 towards the BB. I am not looking for a thank you, but I am encouraging anybody that realizes the value of this resource to do the same. It was as simple as calling the girls (office) and giving them my credit card #. As for the cost, it is equal to 5 cans of Copenhagen up here with Canadian taxes. If I get nothing else out of this besides seeing how the English language can be twisted by those down under, I will have my money's worth.😆
Have a good day! Snuffy[/quote]
I've been waiting patiently for a few Yanks to step up to the plate and offer to help their American founded and based ACMOC Club fund specific projects such as the vital Forum upgrade, and that is why I kicked that Thread "Are there only 63 of us???" along with the offer to donate $100 just trying to draw the silent majority of Forum users out into the light. I know there are lots of folks reading these Threads and Posts each day, but most never say anything, and getting everyone to donate even $10 is proving a lot harder than I thought, because from my experience of Americans after living there for 6 years in California, and still farming there in the San Joaquin Valley, there are no better race of people on this planet and they are the most generous folks I've ever encountered anywhere in the world, far more generous than us Aussies by a long shot, and I mean that, and right alongside the Yanks I place the Canadians, because I've yet to meet one of them I didn't like, even though many of them are as mad as a cut snake like us Aussies, but they make the World a better place by far.
So today is International Snuffy Day, and I'm awarding you the Coaches "Best Player of the Game" Award!! Thankyou for helping our Club, all the way from B.C., Canada
hello , More members = more $$$$$,,,,,,,,,,, ,3 more yrs 👍 of membership and its not cheap from this side of the world ,bruce oz
Hello Mike Meyer, I have always enjoyed your posts, as I do most by anybody. I totally agreed with your offer when I first read it on the other thread. I was waiting for somebody to start one, because being a relatively new member wasn't sure if my post was proper or not. GP's reply gave me some relief. I wasn't looking for recognition, but rather thought maybe some would think again about even becoming an ACMOC member. Most days (or lately anyway) there is 90-120 visitors, with only 25-30 being paid members. My thoughts only, but what if guests had full access to the BB, but after say 25, 40, 50 or what ever number was decided on, that was the end. Then they could read the forum but would have to become a member to look at attachments or post questions or list items. I don't want to sound like a broken record, but any guest that has 1 problem solved by OM, edb, ccjersey (the consistent ones) or any other member, I guarantee have saved their membership cost in time alone. The other stories/ pictures that are submitted of each struggle of turning a piece of discarded history into a working chunk of yellow pride, is just icing on the cake!
Just my thoughts, Snuffy
PS:In regards to the club in general and all the discussion going on reminds me of what my dad always said "Good decisions are made from experience gained from bad ones"
Nice words there Snuffy, and thanks for helping support the Club with your ideas, we need more of them. I'll be up your way next year I'm 99% certain, I have to visit RMyram and his family just north of Calgary about 1,000 miles, then probably over to Prince Edward Island to visit great Canadian friends we met in Ireland in 1984, and spent a fantastic week together.
All the best
Keep me posted when you are on your way. I only live about 20 miles (30 French ones) from Myram's. Was suppose to meet up with him last fall for coffee, but have been working in Alberta and don't get enough time to do what I need to at home. Anyway it would be nice to meet you in person.
Talk to you later, Snuffy
[quote="Snuffy"]Keep me posted when you are on your way. I only live about 20 miles (30 French ones) from Myram's. Was suppose to meet up with him last fall for coffee, but have been working in Alberta and don't get enough time to do what I need to at home. Anyway it would be nice to meet you in person.
Talk to you later, Snuffy[/quote]
We have to visit Myrams now, they have just doubled the size of their home specially for our visit!😆
I really want to be a member but i don't have a creditcard (that is normal here in holland) so i can not make the payment to acmoc....
That is the problem i have and they don't accept a bank transfer..