Hi, Hdonly.
ONLY IF you can absolutely, 150%, NO accidents GUARANTEE that it is NEVER going to be 'interfered with' by an errant stick or some such. Otherwise, stick with the plug.
Dem danged sticks 'n' other things seem to be radical contortionists they way they manage to get into all sorts of places to cause damage and not many engines like running without oil.
Just my 0.02.
Hi, Hdonly.
ONLY IF you can absolutely, 150%, NO accidents GUARANTEE that it is NEVER going to be 'interfered with' by an errant stick or some such. Otherwise, stick with the plug.
Dem danged sticks 'n' other things seem to be radical contortionists they way they manage to get into all sorts of places to cause damage and not many engines like running without oil.
Just my 0.02.
Deas is correct, an errant limb or root will find that valve with catastrophic results. The better plan is to keep a close watch on the dip stick, any rise in oil level or milky color to the oil will indicate a water leak.
I have seen some slick looking valves that are made as oil plug replacements with an off detent . Don't remember if they had a provision for a exterior cap/extention hose.
Fumoto SX industrial engine oil drain.
Hi, Hdonly.
Some if not all the Cat 941 track loaders had a pretty neat valve arrangement built into the bottom of the oil pan on the left side so that you could put a catch pan under the outlet and then reach in with a 9/16" socket and extension to open the valve from outside the left track. The whole thing was totally inside the belly guard and pretty well protected.
If'n we kin get that danged lazy, good-fer-nothin' dependzic character off'n his butt fer a little while, or maybe manage even to wayke him up, he might be persuaded ter tayke a photo or two of his 941 - if it has that arrangement - and post on here to show you what it looks like.
Hey, dependzic, are you awake over there? LOL.
Or Old Magnet may have the appropriate page(s) in a 941 parts manual. Pretty please, Old Magnet?
Sadly though, I don't think a 941 oil pan will bolt up to your engine and a 941 belly guard certainly wouldn't bolt straight up to your tractor.
Just my 0.02.
Dang Deas---I just left Ma this morning where the 941B is, and am now 210 miles away. However we have around 8 inches of snow and ice on the ground up there and had trouble just walking in that stuff, especially since I just had spine surgery 2 weeks ago.
From memory i had a swing plate on the belly pan held by 3 bolts, which I undid and had access to the pan oil drain --but what you describe sort of sounds familiar on how i opened the drain valve
I have checked for coolant in my 22 by just carefully loosening the drain plug until it is almost out of the threads. The water, if any, will seep out through the threads. When the water is gone, the oil will start to show. Wouldn't want to try to drain a lot out that way though.
Hi Team,
Google found this site and clicking on the Additional Product Information box will bring up a PDF with all the styles and thread sizes they have on offer, maybe there is something there of interest.
Eddie B.