Nice auction, end reasonable prices!
Those prices for the most part are ridiculously low for my part of the Midwest (KS) Did all the items really "sell" or did many not reach the reserve? Curious folks want to know.
it all sold. some good deals on a few items and the rest i think sold for about what it was worth. it was a fun assortment of stuff to bid on. I bought the little 5UD2 bare discing tractor. put fresh gas in pony and had it all running after a few pulls.
Yes, Robert summed it up. A few good deals and happy folks. Myself, I had 3 items consigned and had hoped for a few .01 more, but that is the risk we take at an auction. No reserves from me, and no buying back that I am aware of. I could have made $$$ hauling purchases home for several happy buyers, but did not have the time.
The buyer of my D4 6U got a heck of a buy. I think I met the fellow, and it was worth it to me, that he wanted a tractor to doll up, and had appreciation for it. Maybe I will get to see it at another show. No sour grapes. JM
I can see why a a Cat 40 scraper is worth more than a BeGe, but is the BeGe that much less desirable? That and the grader really surprised me.
On sale day I found where the 9u and D6 B with the home made brush cage came from, should be solid tractors. But then again a large outfit and low payed help? But had been cared for in the past.
I bought the Diesel Thirty Five thinking I would cannibalize it for my Diesel Forty project. Way too nice an operating tractor for that. Much to my wife's dismay, we now have two 3 cylinder diesel Cats in the family (the Diesel Forty is hers[img]/media/kunena/emoticons/tongue.gif[/img]). I'm very happy with the price. And the tractor.