Reply to mrsmackpaul:
that one came to mind as I was reading the above posts Andrew
Andrew, That MP6 of Dons ,Originally belonged to Swift Bros. at Moura ,they bought it new when Share farming at North Star in NSW, I tried looking for it For Years and Don turned up with it at a Show .!! Now May be a little out with Correct numbers , but I recall That about 30 odd came to Western Australia or to Australia all up ,think they Made about 200 of them all up .I recall a S/H one for sale back in the Sixties in Victoria, A Family on the Downs had 2 and a dealer Shark from Geelong in Victoria got 1 I believe and gave them $25,000 for it and had it sold to the Poms for $50,000 . He did the same with Loads of Bulldogs to Germany. Don Would probably know the Numbers that came to Aust. as he was a Marshall dealer in later Years.
Surprised that there was one in Tassie back in those days ,I thought the Biggest Tractor down there Would have been a Fergie or a Fordson !! LJ