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Athey Products Corporation (APCOR)

Athey Products Corporation (APCOR)

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Send a private message to scotia
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The precursor to todays articulated trucks was the Athey T-Line. Others built trucks similar to them. Athey (Apcor) used Tractors from Caterpillar, Allis Chalmers, John Deere, Euclid, Terex, International Harvester, and Michigan. They mated these to dump boxes that they made. They made 3 types of dump boxes. They made the rear dump, the belly dump, and the side dump. They used both two and four wheeled tractors. Information on these has been difficult to obtain. From information that I have they produced these up until the early eighties. Athey (Apcor) produced quite a number of different products over their existence. Their early products were tracked pull wagons for the oil and timber industries along with work in the artic. They also produced force feed belt loaders, on and off highway dump bodies and trailers, various conveyor products (Kolman), Rock drilling products, forklifts, garbage truck bodies, vacuum sweepers, small tractor blade (the maintainer) and probably more. It seems that they were a major force in the heavy construction industry where in the later years their product offerings were down to their vacuum sweepers, maintainers, and force feed loaders before their bankruptcy in the first part of this decade. Athey was located in Chicago and apparently relocated to Raleigh, NC in the mid 60s.

I have two questions concerning Athey's T-Line. Did Athey sell off this part of their business? Second, does any body have any literature on the Athey PR-621 which is based on a Caterpillar 621? I would like to find out the load rating of the PR-621 and capacity both unheaped and heaped.

Thanks for your information in advance.
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Sun, Jan 3, 2010 3:44 PM
bruce oz
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hello scotia , i have this info for the Athey trailers ,i am not sure about the history.

these spec sheets come from the itie web site ,you could email then they may send you a better scam than from there web page,sorry i cannot find the link ,ozdozer may still have it ,hope this help some .bruce oz

ok i found te site -

Athey PR-619 =25 tons
Athey PR-21 =34tons
Athey PRB-21 =35 tons ,same as above with higher sides?
Athey PR-631 series d =40 tons

these are the dw series tractor
Athey pw 20 40 ton bottom dump trailer
Athey ph 20 45 ton bottom dump coal trailer
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Sun, Jan 3, 2010 4:15 PM
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Send a private message to scotia
Posts: 19
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Reply to bruce oz:
hello scotia , i have this info for the Athey trailers ,i am not sure about the history.

these spec sheets come from the itie web site ,you could email then they may send you a better scam than from there web page,sorry i cannot find the link ,ozdozer may still have it ,hope this help some .bruce oz

ok i found te site -

Athey PR-619 =25 tons
Athey PR-21 =34tons
Athey PRB-21 =35 tons ,same as above with higher sides?
Athey PR-631 series d =40 tons

these are the dw series tractor
Athey pw 20 40 ton bottom dump trailer
Athey ph 20 45 ton bottom dump coal trailer
Thanks for the reply Bruce. One of my attached pdf files is of that exact same brochure that you provided a link on. I did however find a lot of interesting equipment on that site. To low of resolution to read much of the text. I did not find an Athey PR621 (Caterpillar 621 based) on that site. I do not understand the language. Are they selling this literature or just providing it for people to view? Anyway, I did a search on 'Athey' on their site and came up with 23 hits. And in just looking around I seen that they had some very interesting scrapers as well.

Still searching for my Athey PR621 Specs.

Thanks Bruce
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Sun, Jan 3, 2010 8:05 PM
Send a private message to QuAD
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Reply to scotia:
Thanks for the reply Bruce. One of my attached pdf files is of that exact same brochure that you provided a link on. I did however find a lot of interesting equipment on that site. To low of resolution to read much of the text. I did not find an Athey PR621 (Caterpillar 621 based) on that site. I do not understand the language. Are they selling this literature or just providing it for people to view? Anyway, I did a search on 'Athey' on their site and came up with 23 hits. And in just looking around I seen that they had some very interesting scrapers as well.

Still searching for my Athey PR621 Specs.

Thanks Bruce

The PR621 is a rare machine the PR619 an PR631 where more common.
But here the information I have from it.

Unheaped : 15,3 m3
Heaped : 19 m3



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Sun, Jan 3, 2010 11:54 PM
Send a private message to SJ
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Reply to QuAD:

The PR621 is a rare machine the PR619 an PR631 where more common.
But here the information I have from it.

Unheaped : 15,3 m3
Heaped : 19 m3



Back in the later 1950s the dealer I worked for sold this coal strippings outfit here some DW21s with Athey Dump wagons behind them to haul over burden from the coal and dump it where coal had been taken out.One time a driver got too close to the hole and the tractor and wagon went tumbling down the hole really deep behind it.I can,t just remember but I think the operator jumped before it tumbled down in the deep hole.
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Mon, Jan 4, 2010 12:41 AM
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Reply to SJ:
Back in the later 1950s the dealer I worked for sold this coal strippings outfit here some DW21s with Athey Dump wagons behind them to haul over burden from the coal and dump it where coal had been taken out.One time a driver got too close to the hole and the tractor and wagon went tumbling down the hole really deep behind it.I can,t just remember but I think the operator jumped before it tumbled down in the deep hole.
Thanks alot QuAD. I have been looking for this information for a long time.😊

I have done the conversion for imperial measurements.

Athey PR621
Struck Capacity: 15.3 cubic meters/20 cubic yards
Heaped Capacity: 19 cubic meters/24.9 cubic yards
Payload: 30 metric tons/33.1 U.S. tons

This puts this machine in the range of a Caterpillar 735 and a Komatsu HM350-2.

Caterpillar 735
Struck Capacity: 14.7 cubic meters/19.2 cubic yards
Heaped Capacity: 19.7 cubic meters/27.3 cubic yards
Payload: 32.7 metric tons/36 U.S. Tons

Komatsu HM350-2
Struck Capacity: 14.6 cubic meters/19.1 cubic yards
Heaped Capacity: 19.8 cubic meters/25.9 cubic yards
Payload: 32.3 metric tons/35.6 U.S. Tons

QuAD Does that literature show additional specs on the other side such as turning radius. If someone does not show up on here with an english version of this literature I would like to pay you to make for me a high resolution scan of this to a pdf file. If someone has the english version this offer goes out to you.

Thanks a lot again.

And by the way, I am an owner of one of these PR621s.
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Mon, Jan 4, 2010 9:04 AM
bruce oz
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Posts: 1,341
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Reply to scotia:
Thanks alot QuAD. I have been looking for this information for a long time.😊

I have done the conversion for imperial measurements.

Athey PR621
Struck Capacity: 15.3 cubic meters/20 cubic yards
Heaped Capacity: 19 cubic meters/24.9 cubic yards
Payload: 30 metric tons/33.1 U.S. tons

This puts this machine in the range of a Caterpillar 735 and a Komatsu HM350-2.

Caterpillar 735
Struck Capacity: 14.7 cubic meters/19.2 cubic yards
Heaped Capacity: 19.7 cubic meters/27.3 cubic yards
Payload: 32.7 metric tons/36 U.S. Tons

Komatsu HM350-2
Struck Capacity: 14.6 cubic meters/19.1 cubic yards
Heaped Capacity: 19.8 cubic meters/25.9 cubic yards
Payload: 32.3 metric tons/35.6 U.S. Tons

QuAD Does that literature show additional specs on the other side such as turning radius. If someone does not show up on here with an english version of this literature I would like to pay you to make for me a high resolution scan of this to a pdf file. If someone has the english version this offer goes out to you.

Thanks a lot again.

And by the way, I am an owner of one of these PR621s.
hello ,found a model of one ,bruce oz


german model seller--
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Mon, Jan 4, 2010 9:23 AM
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Reply to bruce oz:
hello ,found a model of one ,bruce oz


german model seller--
Bruce, I have 3 of the Athey PR631D models by Joal. They are fairly inexpensive compared to the price the PR621 commands.
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Mon, Jan 4, 2010 10:58 AM
Send a private message to alan627b
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Reply to scotia:
Bruce, I have 3 of the Athey PR631D models by Joal. They are fairly inexpensive compared to the price the PR621 commands.
Link to a PR619 for sale on

Link to PR621B
And another one

Found a pic of a JD 760 or 5010 with one too.

a link to a forum in the UK, well worth it to register and participate. Very picture intense.
Link to main forum

Ive seen one of these hooked to a 621E before too. Just can't find the pic.
Hope this helps,
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Fri, Jan 8, 2010 6:36 AM
Send a private message to alan627b
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Reply to alan627b:
Link to a PR619 for sale on

Link to PR621B
And another one

Found a pic of a JD 760 or 5010 with one too.

a link to a forum in the UK, well worth it to register and participate. Very picture intense.
Link to main forum

Ive seen one of these hooked to a 621E before too. Just can't find the pic.
Hope this helps,
Link to a German forum with pix.
Google search, Athey PR621
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Fri, Jan 8, 2010 7:18 AM
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Posts: 19
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