Doug Peltzer the Show Chair has asked Willie and me and any other ACMOC guys who want to help in getting the word out on bringing lots of Best, Holt and Cat equipment to Tulare this year. We had 131 +/- pieces at Tulare in 2004 the last time Cat was featured and we need to do better than that this time.
So, all of you guys and gals get your Best, Holt and Cat equipment ready to go and sign up to bring them all to Tulare in April. There are a lot more West Coast collectors now than there were 7 years ago so we should be able to surpass our totals from 04.
Doug has said that he hopes to bring out the tractors from the Museum at Tulare for the show this year which will include another Holt 75, Best 30, RD 7 and a few others. What is everyone going to bring? I would like to start putting together a list so we can get as complete a selection as possible at the show.
I have Chad's High 22 and Leroy's High 15 in the barn in Paso right now so I know they are coming. Don Hunter will have his Holt # 111 Steamer and Holt 75 at the show as well. The Best steamer of Joe Heidrick's is going to make it assuming the permits are secured and the Best Round Wheel Tractor will be there as well as that is still in Paso. So, as you can see, the lineup is starting to take shape and it should be really good. Lets fill in with the Best, Holts and Cats so we have a really complete representation of all models at the show.
Doug has indicated that we will assign parade numbers based upon age of the machines (Best, Holt and Cats and I almost forgot Russell) and they will run through the parade in that order. It should be a really great time. I hope to see lots of you guys at the show.