Sounds like a plan to me! I would fabricate a mount above the hydraulic pump. Should be room there where the other side has the fuel filter tower in the way. Some have used a common double groove alternator pulley and had the center divider between the grooves turned out of it so it can take the wide belt that will fit the crankshaft pulley. The water pump pulley can be adjusted to the width/size you need.
The Delco 10SI one wire system is not very reliable on a slow turning engine like the D2. I would wire an electrical system with a main switch or a battery disconnect if you want one and use the regulator plug on the alternator. It will reliably excite if you feed the left regulator terminal 12 V from the switch or you can use an oil pressure switch to turn on the alternator after the engine starts. The right regulator terminal can be supplied by a jumper from the output stud if you want.
Here is what I did years ago.
If you take a double "A" width pulley and machine out the center it will be to wide.
Cat used some odd sized belts that were neither Automotive or industrial standard. On my D4 I built up the lower pulley and re machined it to "C" automotive width and made a whole new pulley for the alternator from steel bar.
I also put a big bearing kit into the alternator to handle the additional load.
Thanks CR and ccjersey.
CR, I like what you did. It's unfortunate that it is a non-standard belts/pulleys as that adds a bit more complication to the process.
On the alternator, did you go with a smaller than normal pulley size to get it to spin faster? Also, what makes it a higher load on the alternator bearings than what it would see in an automotive application?😕
My set up on D4, similar to CR's:
I made as small as a pulley as the belt could make the bend. The additional load is from the wider belt or double pulley. Most cars were running a single "A" belt.
That's as clean of a setup as I've ever seen Glum. .looks like it might have come from the factory. Now that my hunting season is over with it's time to slowly start setting mine up. .and yours and CR's will be the pattern. Thank you both for the closeup views.
Hi Glum,
Could you elaborate a little more on your water pump and crankshaft pulley set up?? Thanks
This conversion is my favorite but I prefer the Delco 10SI with Motorola to Delco adapter housing rather than the Motorola alternator.
Doesn't work to well if your using the generator drive for a hydraulic pump though.
Beautiful job Glum. Only thing I would suggest is to bend a double offset in the adjusting link so that the engine end bolt is not subject to fail due to the lenght out from the engine. How did you change the pulleys on the engine? Looks very good.