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Alaska Stretch 8

Alaska Stretch 8

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I just got back from a trip to see a friend of mines Caterpillar stretch 8
It is located in Alaska and according to the tag built for the US Army. Not the Navy likes the Stretch 8 in Antarctica
I was told it was used on the DEW line sites its last use to open a gold mine.
It’s a high horse as has a D353 instead of a D342 Only 908 hr on this rebuilt engine. The ship tag said it was shipped to the Army 1958
Hoping to get it running later this summer.
It never had a blade on it as it has a nose tank on it for fuel,
My friend that one’s it looking for a good home for it so if someone want a good project I put you in touch
Serial # 14A9463
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Tue, Jun 2, 2009 8:08 AM
King of Obsolete
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once again steve you are a tease. posting a super straight d8 that has been painted some weird colour (i'm colour blind and xena is not here to tell me what colour it is). that would look real good in the KINGDOM and impress the ladies, LOL

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Tue, Jun 2, 2009 9:50 AM
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Reply to King of Obsolete:
once again steve you are a tease. posting a super straight d8 that has been painted some weird colour (i'm colour blind and xena is not here to tell me what colour it is). that would look real good in the KINGDOM and impress the ladies, LOL

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I never heard of a D9 engine in a D8 but I guess most anything can be done if you want to do it.
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Tue, Jun 2, 2009 6:31 PM
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Reply to SJ:
I never heard of a D9 engine in a D8 but I guess most anything can be done if you want to do it.

Tractor pullin friend of mine did a lot of testing of the 9 eng in 8 w/ wide tracks while in army- up in greenland- when they landed the dock wouldn't stay steady from waves so they tied a cable to end of dock & 1 of the cats- drove it off into water{ almost got cable to short so end of dock was a bit below grade}- bet it's still there if anyone cares to go diving.
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Wed, Jun 3, 2009 11:29 AM
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Reply to SJ:
I never heard of a D9 engine in a D8 but I guess most anything can be done if you want to do it.

Just membered-9 engine was used as engine 8 came w/ didn't have enough power to pull cat @ speeds they were playing with- dead track take a lot of power @ high speed- thats why tanks have live track..
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Wed, Jun 3, 2009 12:10 PM
Deas Plant.
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Reply to tanker:

Just membered-9 engine was used as engine 8 came w/ didn't have enough power to pull cat @ speeds they were playing with- dead track take a lot of power @ high speed- thats why tanks have live track..
Hi, Tanker.
There have been a few re-powers done on various machines over the years. I've even done a couple on trucks and cars myself.

I think it was the McCoy 2U D8 pusher tractor that had a D337 super-charged engine as fitted to the Cat DW21 scraper tractors. As well as being more powerful, that engine also revved out a fair bit higher and gave the tractor a reverse speed that is supposed to have made the ground shake.

From what can be seen of it in the photos above, the D353 transplant looks a pretty neat job.
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Wed, Jun 3, 2009 5:13 PM
Send a private message to 84WD10
Posts: 96
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Reply to Deas Plant.:
Hi, Tanker.
There have been a few re-powers done on various machines over the years. I've even done a couple on trucks and cars myself.

I think it was the McCoy 2U D8 pusher tractor that had a D337 super-charged engine as fitted to the Cat DW21 scraper tractors. As well as being more powerful, that engine also revved out a fair bit higher and gave the tractor a reverse speed that is supposed to have made the ground shake.

From what can be seen of it in the photos above, the D353 transplant looks a pretty neat job.
Hi folks,

The photo's supplied by Steve of the stretched "D8" found up in Alaska, is very interesting indeed. Caterpillar built quite a few of these machines which were factory modified for working in the Arctic and Antarctica, for general duties, i.e. - building ice runways, hauling big loads over difficult terrain etc etc. In order to get more horsepower there were some of them factory fitted with the "D9" model "D353" engines as is the one in the photo's. Away back in the late 1970's I worked for our local "CAT" Dealer, Gough Gough & Hamer Ltd our "CAT" dealers since 1932 (and still are today), at that time they had the contract with the U.S.Navy to completely over haul the various "CAT" machines as required, these being operated by the U.S.Navy in Antarctica. All of the LGP "D8's" were bought up to our workshop from there for complete overhauls (complete teardown and rebuild,) at different times, There were two of these powered with the D353 engine. These tractors had 9 roller track frames, 54 link track chains, 54 inch special grousers, heated cabs, hydraulicaly ajusted drawbars, hyster towing winches, hydraulic blades and so the list went on ( all factory). I hope that you find these few facts of interest.

Regardsw to you all

Alan T Lewis
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Thu, Jun 4, 2009 6:12 AM
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