Reply to chugwater crawlers:
Hi Jim,
Good luck with the committee!
I support the D9 progression. However we have had a lot of D9s.
For the price point I support:
Caterpillar D82U with a cable dozer.
I have had some discussion with our chapter members in the past year after this came up and it appears the D82U would be a popular piece with them.
We need to get back to $100 models Im for the 10,15,30,60, I think we need to get back to machines that appeal to all collectors Farm,Milt.and Construction The D4 is the most produced and universal used tractor made by Cat and could be done in many models and colors with few diff attachments but I think its too soon from D2 for that set We can not pay for design and tooling of models that we only make half orders from as we have done with last 2 models made The facts are the cost of design and tooling of the scraper for the DW20 and then only making 1200 makes the profit so low that it really isnt worth doing, as we have just done. In my mind they were very poor choices at best. We need something that will sell 2,000-3,000 per in a reasonable amount of time. We still have 4,000 of the 8,500 made over the past 4 yrs and we are about to increase that by 1200 scrapers that we will only sell as many as we have sold DW20s and if we sell everyone for full price it will only profit about $35,000, not very much for our investment and time to sell, not taking in account those sold at a discount. If we cant sell at least 2000 of a model, to make money to keep the doors open we cant stay in business for long. If we sell models like we have for past few yrs That is the Facts. With the tractors I picked we could follow up with pull graders or make a couple diff versions like we did with the D2. The 60 is a tractor that excites everybody Collectors want certain tractors but we need to be practical here. The profit from the models is what keeps the doors open .
Another thing is a model should never be sold for a discount nothing like paying $75 for a model and later its for sale at $40 !! BTW before I get corrected the numbers I used are not exact as they change daily but very close