I do not know what your source of information is Wally. Several of us have been working on getting the tasks completed to get it done. JM
I do not know what your source of information is Wally. Several of us have been working on getting the tasks completed to get it done. JM
Straight from the horses mouth. I'm sure you will be hearing about it.
Hi, brewzer.
I'm not trying to rattle anybody's cage. I'm just saying it like it appears to me - INCLUDING that I wouldn't want some of the past admin. people setting up a business model for me or doing my accounting and book work.
A pretty wise man - dunno who - once said: "In the communist countries, you have freedom of speech. In the Western world, you have freedom even AFTER speech."
Although it seems that some people think that izza 'bad' thing.
Just my 0.02.
to incorporate you need a president secretary and treasurer, constitution, the incorporation fee and the completed paperwork to apply. send it all off to the state business regulator in my country thats the dept of fair trading. and if approved which it almost always is. they send you a certificate of incorporation. each year you send off the auditors report etc to the tax office theauditor/accountant can help you with this. hell in my country the fair trading department has a model constitution all you add to it is the club name.
my dad and a mate of his filled out the incorporation forms for the machinery club they founded. fred is dyslexic and dad isnt a oxford scholar.
to incorporate you need a president secretary and treasurer, constitution, the incorporation fee and the completed paperwork to apply. send it all off to the state business regulator in my country thats the dept of fair trading. and if approved which it almost always is. they send you a certificate of incorporation. each year you send off the auditors report etc to the tax office theauditor/accountant can help you with this. hell in my country the fair trading department has a model constitution all you add to it is the club name.
my dad and a mate of his filled out the incorporation forms for the machinery club they founded. fred is dyslexic and dad isnt a oxford scholar.
I am not trying to rattle any cages. My post is to bring awareness to the fact that ACMOC has lost over 20 of its US chapters. What is the reason for this? Does this indicate a healthy club or a declining club? I am still a member of ACMOC and still have my interest in caterpillars. My chapter was not able to meet all the qualifications to become a contract chapter. It's as simple as that. Obviously all the rest of the chapters could not either. My hats off to the people who tried to hold it together and are still working for the club. To Gees inquiry as to where I got my info, your chapter will be holding a meeting on the 20th.
Could someone give a run down of what requirements are the issue? I volunteer for a group that is a 501C3 and the paperwork (which I dont do) is a pain but with one member who can deal with fussy, fussy paperwork, the group runs fine. My family had a corporation for a while and it was the same sort of thing. Details and accurate book keeping make things work. As has been said, it doesnt take a genius to keep records. I hope the club rebounds and maybe the chapters that have figured out the new system can offer advice to chapters that are not doing too well. Just my 2 cents worth. Grant.
The meeting is a scheduled one. Perhaps he meant it won't be a contract chapter with Greg and Eric, during their final term, which was originally only supposed to be 2 years, not 3.
Chapter members will get to vote in a new president and slate of officers, yes or no..., so if someone objects to having me and my "volunteered" slate of officers, here is your chance to be an active member of a well loved chapter. Sitting on the sidelines complaining does not solve anything.
Every club I belong to has its issues, I won't name them. None is perfect.
I am happy to be part of a group that shares a deep passion for old tractors, and wish to keep the hobby alive.
Grant: I could use one more officer/director for 15 if you have any interest.
Thanks, JM