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ACMOC Chapter Status Meeting

ACMOC Chapter Status Meeting

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I seem to be part of a perceived vocal minority related to ACMOC chapters.  If relegated to being in that minority, I feel compelled to at least live up to being "vocal".  While small in number, I think many in this category provide a substantial contribution to the club and to the hobby. 

I think it is fair to let the broader membership know that there was a meeting last night to discuss status of subsidiary chapters of ACMOC.  The meeting was started 20 minutes late by Kurt, attributed to limited reply to his invite, despite no RSVP being requested.  No other ACMOC BOD members attended.  Leaders from 6 chapters (3, 4, 9, 15, 17, & 20) did attend when the meeting was eventually started.  

Despite the delayed start, discussion during the meeting was cordial, but basically the message was relayed that Subsidiary Chapters will be required to convert to Contract Chapters to remain affiliated with ACMOC.  No deadline was given other than it will be within a few months and reasonable notice will be given.  ACMOC does not yet have a defined process to convert from a Subsidiary to Contract chapter.  It was stated that Contract Chapters actually have no contracts with ACMOC on file so that will have to be reviewed as well. The intent is to work with Contract Chapters to maintain their relationship and to convert Subsidiary Chapters, as it makes sense, to similar status.

The recommended process to convert to a Contract Chapter will be provided in the near future.  Guidance will not be specific to individual US states due to complexity and resources involved, so it will be up to individual chapters to work the details.  ACMOC will not provide resources to chapters beyond some guidelines to aid in the transition, but will also not confiscate resources currently held by chapters so they can use as needed during their transition.  

It was reiterated that insurance and liability are the primary issue related to chapters.  Insurance coverage related to chapters has frequently been misunderstood, and is much more limited than what is commonly perceived.  Kurt stated that Subsidiary Chapters create an unfair financial burden on the club by not having their own insurance.  Contract Chapters with their own insurance reduce risk to the overall club, although details of the legal relationship between current Contract Chapters and ACMOC also needs further study.  

I have tried to avoid editorial comment, other than to say this is a far cry from the welcoming reception when we were asked to join as a chapter.  I welcome other attendees to add details, corrections, or clarifications.  These were just my take-aways.  

Dave Tallon
President - ACMOC Chapter 20 
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Sat, May 13, 2023 8:01 AM
Chapter Leader
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David thank you for the informational recap, thank you for the time invested in having this open conversation. I will say I felt the meeting was informational as a few updated details have come about since the October meeting.  I felt it would be beneficial to more chapters to be involved but the meeting was organized on unfavorable short notice of 3 days and not with the required meeting requirements of nonprofits.  As David mentioned Kurt was only board member to join and there was voids that those needed to answer questions were not on the call to add insight. That caused Kurt to speak at times with some uncertainty in answers.

David recapped it very well.  My personal take away was there are benefits on both sides and I think in all there is misperception on both sides while somethings are still unclear or not understood. I think mutually some feel the chapters do not understand but in terms when the chapters present questions it's not understood on the board end. This is where open communications at chapter level over the last 9 months would lead to success.  I felt in the months since October we would have clear answers and information on insurance, contracts, agreements, and such.  But there still is uncertainty in communicating clearly what's on paper.  There seemed to be uncertainty of planned and pending events going forward. I think in general the chapters have a better way to approach their members now to discuss the future and make decisions in what's best for their members not the board.   Kurt said, really is in the hands of the attorney to figure out what benefits the club with limited risks and only down the road we will see if there is a relationship between the club and the chapters in future. Once the chapters meet the requirements the board will decide if they would like a relationship with that chapter and they will reach out.  The chapter can decide if there is an interest or any benefit in joining the club as a chapter.  

Overall it was mentioned the club is involved in more then it can handle and can not continue to operate in the way of the past as mentioned before.  In general it felt like not only the chapters but the future is uncertain going forward.  Not necessarily in a negitive way but in a uncommon or unfamiliar way. 

On a separate topic of the future ahead noticed after the meeting in past board minutes:  I see some concern with the recent board meeting minutes to appoint additional board members to fill vacancies coming open.  Possibly I can only think this is eliminating elections and members rights of nonprofit. I see the club being caught between a membership nonprofit for revenue, but that is not working for the operations of the nonprofit in business. No doubt this is a common issue today with membership driven nonprofits across the US. 

Thank you Kurt for meeting with the chapters,  I think some communication over the last 6 plus months could have relieved some financial burden on members and the club and made the process alot easier and organized.  It seems the club is going to continue to be confronted by the additional costs on many aspects beyond just chapters until the club can function under the volunteers and have positive revenue to survive and recoup the membership loses ahead.   I appreciate that some form of communication was finally made toward communicating with limited chapters. 

In the end we might not all be chapter members but the decision will affect the whole of the club going forward in the future for better and for worse as changes in the club will continue at every members level. 

Ryan Johnson
President - Chapter 4 
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Sat, May 13, 2023 11:56 AM
Kurt Bangert
Send a private message to Kurt Bangert
Posts: 496
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Dave and Ryan,
Thank you for your comments, they are reflective of the conversation in the meeting. The status of chapters is a can that has been kicked down the road for many years, and it isn;t a fun thing to deal with, so I can understand why. This board had hoped to find some alternative that never came to light, and that is why the topic has been pushed these last few months. My intention with the call was to give everyone the head's up of the direction even though we don't have all the materials available now.

Ryan, I think that your comments are insightful. In regards to appointed directors vs. elected: This touches on what in my view is the greatest risk to the club overall, and that is the lack of volunteer leadership. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely many very dedicated and hard-working members throughout, but many of them have been doing that work now for quite some time and the list of people that are ready to step into some of those roles is very, very, short. Finances are usually what people use to gauge the club's health, in our case, we're financially sound, we'll be ok, but the real indicator of long-term health is the leadership bull-pen, and in that area we are at risk.

As far as the future being uncertain, I have a lot of thoughts there. There is a difference between uncertain and rudderless. We are not rudderless, however, there is no question that change will occur and it is needed. Is the path forward documented to the last detail? No, but there are a few certainties: 1) We live in a digital world today and the club does need to function better in that arena. Our online assets need to work harder for us. For instance, last year we had over 1.4 million page views on the website, that is an outstanding number, however we are failing to convert those visitors to members, we need to do better. Our online assets should be our biggest and best recruitment tool and our flagship publication. 2) Our dues structure is overly complicated, a rationalization and restructure would make sense and help in the area of member recruitment, 3) Continuing to automate our "back office" tasks will pay dividends through reduced cost of multiple software systems and more importantly, the repetitive manual entry that has been done for a long time, 4) We have a set of members that are not likely to be online, our magazine will continue to provide the content they like, 5) We need to have our eye toward making the club attractive to a younger demographic, which goes back to our online assets while at the same time serving our current membership. There's more, but that is the gist of it.

The greatest uncertainty is the nearly dry pipeline of upcoming leadership. You and Dave are two that have been advocates for a long time and there are many more and a lot of "unsung heroes" out there that do a lot for the club. We need to develop a new generation of leaders, and in my view, that is our greatest challenge.

I would say to anyone, if leadership is not your thing, consider writing an article, providing some photos, raising your hand when an opportunity arises, if we all chip in the club gets better and the future more certain.
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Fri, May 19, 2023 11:17 PM
Send a private message to trainzkid88
Posts: 2,189
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Reply to Kurt Bangert:
Dave and Ryan,
Thank you for your comments, they are reflective of the conversation in the meeting. The status of chapters is a can that has been kicked down the road for many years, and it isn;t a fun thing to deal with, so I can understand why. This board had hoped to find some alternative that never came to light, and that is why the topic has been pushed these last few months. My intention with the call was to give everyone the head's up of the direction even though we don't have all the materials available now.

Ryan, I think that your comments are insightful. In regards to appointed directors vs. elected: This touches on what in my view is the greatest risk to the club overall, and that is the lack of volunteer leadership. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely many very dedicated and hard-working members throughout, but many of them have been doing that work now for quite some time and the list of people that are ready to step into some of those roles is very, very, short. Finances are usually what people use to gauge the club's health, in our case, we're financially sound, we'll be ok, but the real indicator of long-term health is the leadership bull-pen, and in that area we are at risk.

As far as the future being uncertain, I have a lot of thoughts there. There is a difference between uncertain and rudderless. We are not rudderless, however, there is no question that change will occur and it is needed. Is the path forward documented to the last detail? No, but there are a few certainties: 1) We live in a digital world today and the club does need to function better in that arena. Our online assets need to work harder for us. For instance, last year we had over 1.4 million page views on the website, that is an outstanding number, however we are failing to convert those visitors to members, we need to do better. Our online assets should be our biggest and best recruitment tool and our flagship publication. 2) Our dues structure is overly complicated, a rationalization and restructure would make sense and help in the area of member recruitment, 3) Continuing to automate our "back office" tasks will pay dividends through reduced cost of multiple software systems and more importantly, the repetitive manual entry that has been done for a long time, 4) We have a set of members that are not likely to be online, our magazine will continue to provide the content they like, 5) We need to have our eye toward making the club attractive to a younger demographic, which goes back to our online assets while at the same time serving our current membership. There's more, but that is the gist of it.

The greatest uncertainty is the nearly dry pipeline of upcoming leadership. You and Dave are two that have been advocates for a long time and there are many more and a lot of "unsung heroes" out there that do a lot for the club. We need to develop a new generation of leaders, and in my view, that is our greatest challenge.

I would say to anyone, if leadership is not your thing, consider writing an article, providing some photos, raising your hand when an opportunity arises, if we all chip in the club gets better and the future more certain.
all clubs have that problem the sumwanelse mentality thinking that that chinese bloke sumwanelse will show up and do the work many are happy to sit on the fence and have a bitch and moan but never put their hand up to do something and yes im guilty of that too.
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Sat, May 20, 2023 7:44 AM
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