Reply to Painter:
Joe is working on it, the problem is with the company that does the hosting???? He has been keeping us updated on facebook
From Joe on facebook
I've been told there is a major issue affecting many domains held by the
registrar that ACME is at and have contacted them via live chat and email.
Right now I'm waiting to hear back from someone to resolve the problem but
the impression I'm getting is they're not even sure what the problem is.
Stay tuned!
My gut is this is some more crap from the hosting outfit we had so much
trouble with when ACME first went live, as they still have their hand on the
domain side. It was supposed to have been transferred several years ago, but
apparently they dropped the ball, and I did likewise by not following up hard
enough, as I had the impression it was done. Anyway, the forum and all the
data is okay and intact as the site itself isn't affected, just its 'virtual
address' on the internet."