This is a story about a 2 ton ser# 75910 that made Its way across the pond from Bakersfield, Cal. down under to Townsville in Nth Queensland.
It started about 4+years ago with me trying to get a heap of parts together for a pair of 2 tons I had brought earlier that needed the usual worn out bits and pieces!
Jim Zimmerman was gathering the parts for me as they became available in his yard, then one day he mentioned about a 2 ton that was for sale in Kansas, even at the risk of losing his own sale on spare parts!
Then he went on to tell me it was a full rebuild and restoration, stripped down to the bare tub and built from the ground up and never used!
Jim told me that he can vouch for the tractor because he had done the full restoration himself! and also mentions that John has never advertised it for sale.
Tractor History = It was brought in Oroville, California, sight unseen by G.W.H. and shipped to Jim Zimmerman in Orchard, Iowa for the restoration work Dec 2001 till the end of 2003 and was ready to paint!
G.W.H. then sold it to a John Hopp Snr from Nth East Kansas who had the 2 ton painted before taking it back to Kansas.
Thanks to G.W.H. for sending all the receipts and info on the tractor in recent times.
John Hopp Snr sends me a heap of pics and as Jim told me, John had never advertised it
After a few days I decided to sell my 2 tons and sink the money towards the restored tractor and struck a deal with John about the tractor.
Organised for transport of the tractor bout 6 months latter!
Note= It was the walking gear ( as new ) on the tractor that finally convinced me to purchase the 2 ton.
The first big thank you goes to Garlic Mum for stopping the delivery driver of the tractor from pushing the tractor clean off his trailer without any ramps,(Was in a hurry) and I’m told that G’Mum sorted that problem out right there and then!
The second big thank you goes to Garlic Pete storing the tractor, showing the tractor, cleaning the tractor and delivering the tractor to the freight forwarders San Fran for me ready to be packed for shipping!
Thanks again Pete!
The third big thank you goes to Davross 22. He generously offered to bring back the 2ton in a container he was bringing back to Oz and I’m grateful for the offer!
Thanks Davyn.
The other thank you are to Ianoz and his wife for putting me up for two nights on the trip down South to pick up the 2ton at the Brisbane port authority.
And Davyn for helping me get it loaded and putting me up for a night!
Thanks to Lance and Deanna Jones for their hospitality on the way back North, with morning tea and a tour!
And thanks to my mate Rod at Hardrock Earthworks for lending the little tipper to pick up the tractor from the Brisbane port authority.
Here’s a couple of pics of the tractor only as I have a smile wider than the camera lens can handle!