D6B serial numbers started in 1960 with 44A496 and ended in 1960 with 44A2913.
We have a parts book for your tractor in the library, and while you can't download the whole document, you can do screen shots of individual pages.
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Hi hdokes, I own D6B 44A2546, it is a 1960 model. I plan on adding the service manual and the Operation and Maintenance Instructions book to the ACMOC library later this year. I recommend you purchase the O.M.I. it will save you time and money and help you to avoid costly mistakes.
There are some on eBay:
Hi guys,
Thank you for the confirmation. I have already purchased the owners manual and the Cat D333 engine maintenance manual. Actually surprised at how 'small' and light weight they are. My manuals for my JD350b are a LOT more expansive as are my Case manuals for the CK580's.
Seiscat.... I must have a previous version of the D6 manual than you show for ebay as mine only covers the 37A1-up and 44A1-up. Do you know if there is more information to be had in the version you passed on to me? That is applicable to my unit that is. The 2nd link you sent actually turns out to be the one that I just bought.
John, I considered ponying up the funds for the membership but wasn't certain what was to be gained by doing so. The other major reason I didn't however is it only accepts credit cards and I don't give those out on the internet for anything. You might consider accepting Paypal. Full disclosure... I have owned an ISP (Internet Service Provider) since 1999 and boy can I tell you some horror stories.
Thanks again guys for your replies. Getting ready to submit a new topic for the D6b. Shame on me for not discovering this before purchase but it turns out the unit has a right steering issue. It barely turns... I mean just inches when you give it full brake and pull the lever all the way back but as I said... will start a new thread for that.
The O.M.I. you have is good. Look in the OMI on pages 65and 66 for instructions on how to adjust the steering clutch/brake. I have a D6B service manual and can answer your questions. I will sell the manual after I scan it.
where the john deere and case books may be more all in one cat in particular had separate books for the bare machine and the attachments.
the parts books are separate too.
for our machine we have the owners book, parts book, service manual, service manual for the engine, parts book for the hydrualics unit. book for the hydrualics pump itself from sperry -vickers.