Reply to chriscokid:
i have a 1968 Model DD, best little grader i have ever had, has power everything except a cab to keep you warm.
Back in 1967 (when I was getting started), I was working with a Foreman who was considered a great Blade Hand. He had run probobly every grader built to that time. He was in his early '50's when I worked with him.
He swore by Allis-Chalmers graders. He said it was all about the pitch (or curviture) of the moldboard. After having run and compared Cat 112F's. 12E's, 14E's, 16G's and hyd 14's and 16's, and an array of Gallion and Wabco Blades, and one Huber-Warco, I have to agree. The older pipe frame graders knew how to design a moldboard. I think it was the German engineering in Milwaukee...