Question for Old Magnet? I'm getting ready to fix the fuel leaking into the injector pump housing on my 9U D6 Going to replace the 8B4967 seal. Are there any other seals or gaskets that I'm going to need to complete the repair?
Many Thanks!
Just the one o-ring seal 8B4967 used on the late pump housings.
You will also need the 4F5148 housing gasket and while your in there replace the 1H5959 camshaft seal.
Just the one o-ring seal 8B4967 used on the late pump housings.
You will also need the 4F5148 housing gasket and while your in there replace the 1H5959 camshaft seal.
Old Magnet,
Many thanks for your assistance. Much appreciated!!
Old Magnet,
Many thanks for your assistance. Much appreciated!!
What vent line are you seeing leakage from? If coming from transfer pump you have a seal problem with the pump. If coming from the injection pump housing
that's internal leakage past the injection pumps. If your getting fuel in the main engine sump that's an 8B4967 o-ring problem.