I figured some of you guys would appreciate this. This is the original paperwork for the Cat 950 81J that my grandpa bought brand new in 1979. Well actually they did an RPO. Just imagine if you could still buy a brand new 950 for 75K! I thought it was interesting that he did not order it with the rear counterweights, but with chloride filled rear tires. Also in the file were some failure pictures dated June 6th, 1979, just one month and two days after it was delivered! This must have been a weak point? We've used it almost daily up until a year or two ago. We are currently pricing out a Caterpillar Powertrain Plus rebuild on it. The engine was first rebuilt at 24,000 hours, and the original hour meter was replaced then. Now it shows just over 18,000 hours on that hour meter. Can anyone tell me what the 7K3486 Tire Inflation Kit is? Also wondering if anyone has pictures of the window washer bag? If you look on the Delivery Service Report, in the comments it says the windshield washer bag was on the floor.