You have the sleeve metering system, no rack. Entire housing should be under fuel pressure and bled with the provided bleed valve. What do you have for fuel pressure? The square side cover gives access to the mechanism and check what might be stuck. This system is very sensitive to water/condensation with resulting rust.
Take that big side cover off and see what state it is in and if everything is moving, if it all looks good, the problem is probably in the governor at the back which can rust if water has got in and actually stick while standing. This fuel system will actually allow water to settle in the main housing and keep running with problems coming when it has been stood for a long time.
thanks guys---what do you think of filling the injection pump housing and/or the governor with ATF/Acetone mixture to try and loosen up any rusted mechanisms??
Although that concoction may help on local /limited time application I don't think the seals involved would take kindly to soaking for a long period.
Ok--I am going to try just ATF in the governor and injection pump--I checked the fuel pressure today and it went well into the green with just spinning it with the starter---spent a lot of time pulling it out of the briars and then raising the bucket arms to get access to the injection pump
well tried to order that side plate gasket and cat parts guy could not come up with it--there are 63 different injection pump arrangements so he needed the exact pump # which I don't have and the machine is 208 miles away. so i am going to take my pic of the pump and the closest parts pic of a pump and try ordering the gasket that way
The square cover uses a 4N9056 gasket. Those Cat guys a shining you on.
not sure if the 4N9056 gasket will work on that square plate[attachment=44315]4n9056.jpg[/attachment]![]()
A 4N9056 gasket fits a 4N9338 cover. Part of the 6N279 governor & fuel injection group for engine s/n 78P7425 to 78P18798, engine arrangement # 4N3801 for the 941B vehicle s/n 80H4676 to 5702.