There are all kinds of auto transmissions using GL-5 that have brass synchro rings. Where are you coming from with the gl-5 questions? BUT I will lookout my parts book.
I looked in my books. Says use pure 90 or 140 mineral oil. Can be bought at Tractor Supply. BUT, I ran GL-5 in 11 cat 12s for 30 years. They all had 30,000 hrs on them when I sold them. They were loosing chrome off the bull gear teeth is why I sold them. Never had a transmission apart in any of them. I run GL-5 in the one I have now.
My questions come from imperial oil not recommending using gl-5 oil in transmissions with yellow metal parts. Also saw references to it here on the forum.
I will defer to your experience and use gl-5 oil. I assumed it was a much more modern spec than 30 yrs old. Apparently I was mistaken. Thanks for the replies.
found this by googling gl-5
The problems arise when we try or need to use the same product in the transmission that we use in the differential. Many people have called oil companies and been told by the “Techs” that answer their questions that their oils have buffered sulfur and therefore are not corrosive to yellow metals, sotheir GL-5 oils can be used with brass components. While that answer is totally correct, it does not address the question asked: can it be used in a synchromesh transmission
I also used GL-5 in all our synchromesh transmissions. Most of them were fitted with small western snow plows and in winter would see extreme snow pushing loads. 750 Fords with 391 v8s with new process synchromesh transmissions would push 9x3 western plows. We did change oils every 1000 hrs. Never heard of synchro problems. Also 8t does not have any synch gears.
I would like to state for the record that I did not think the 8T was a synchromesh tranny. I only asked if there were any yellow metal parts. I would have filled it with gl-5 before I heard about possible problems and nothing bad has happened yet. It needs changing now and I wanted to use the correct fluid. I can’t find anything but gl-5 in 80w90 here anyway so that’s what it will be.
Thanks again for the advice based on real world experience
i understand your question and shared your concern but with a D4 instead. i was concerned there might be a thrust washer or spacer sleeve or some other yellow mwtal parts. i have confirmed in the D4 at least that there is no yellow metal in the transmission. but in some early models Cat did use copper in the bellows seals. i withheld comment because i was unsure about the 8T.
It is so easy not to use gl-5, it will eat brass. Use the old base 90w140 wt, easy to find and cheap...WA7OPY