No the 7S is the D311 engine like the D2 tractor had and the D4 used the D315. They look from the outside the same but the D4 is a 4 1/2" bore engine and the D2 D311 is a 4" bore engine. The starting engines are the same on both and possibly a very few other things but normally they are different and smaller engine in size.There are things with the inj. housing that are the same and some gov. parts but the basic block and head etc. are smaller on the D311.
Aw crap! Okay, thanks anyway!
Bret if you need D4 parts there should be someone on here that has them as they are quite popular and just lit what you need and I,m sure someone can help you out.Bret, my older son that passed away in Jan. his name was Bret too and he was named after Bret Maverick from the Mavericks TV show that was on years ago.He was 49 and would have been 50 on the 30th.of Aug. next Sat.
Very sorry to hear that SJ. I was also named after the James Garner character and am 48. I suppose you and my parents are of the same era. Again, my very sicerest condolences. I watched my parents go through the loss of my sister and you are surely going through a hard time. My thoughts and prayers will be with you. Thanks for the help, on both sites.
Bret, I also lost my only brother in June and was 2 yrs. younger than me and my sister in 1964 at 37 yrs. old with cancer so I have my twin sister left and my younger son & my older daughter.