Mark - this past summer I repaired the brakes and replaced the tires on my 212. Getting the rim off of the hub and the hub off of the axle shaft was very difficult after being exposed to the elements for 70 years. I tried using a mechanical puller at first but couldn't generate enough force to remove the first hub. I removed the screw on my puller and inserted a 50 ton hydraulic ram. On the first hub the ram and porta-power pump I was using was maxed out, it then took a hit from a sledge hammer to get it to release. The other hubs came off with the 50 ton ram alone. I'm guessing I had about 40 ton of pressure on the hubs when they released. I am going to build a press/puller to press the hubs back onto the tapered shaft. Good luck.
I'm going to give it a shot with the Cat mechanical push/puller. If it doesn't work, and I suspect it wont, I'll adapt a hydraulic jack or porta pack to it. Then I'll engineer a hydraulic pusher configuration to push it on. But thanks for the reply.
When I removed my D2 steering hubs, they took all of 20t to remove - I don't know if tapers take more tonnage to remove than to install i.e. if I install at 15t, it will take 20t to remove. Anyhoo, I put them back on at 12ton, which is below spec but I'm willing to "f" around and find out - it's just $ and time : )
I'll get it off. I'm sure of that. I'll recondition everything possible and replace everything necessary. It'll go back on correctly, too. I'll gage the pressure, 20-25 tons. I'm not willing to guess on anything if I dont have to.. Too much of a hassle to screw around. Prefer to fo it right and just once. Very little grader info and knowledge/experience on ACMOC. I think it should be renamed Antique Caterpillar Bulldozer Club or ACBC. D2's specifically. Maybe ACD2BC.
Thanks for trying to help, but that screen shot is incomplete. I'll look up the thread though. Thanks.
Hi Mark, I'm sorry you are disappointed in the responses you received. Perhaps it had something to do with your title of this post, starting with 70D instead of No. 12. Your post has only been a up little less than 2 days as of this writing. We have grader owner members who should be able to help, maybe they didn't see this post yet.
It sounds like you already had a proper plan of action in mind before your post. I started to answer your post with my limited experience with a No 12 8T. but I knew there were too many variables that could affect the outcome.
I was glad that members tried to help you even though you were not happy with them or our club,
Oh, I dont mind the responce at all. Not necessarily here for that. Technical library is what it is and the fact that most people on ACMOC are clearly crawler tractor oriented is fine. I've just discovered the facts of ACMOC. Not much knowledge/experience on graders here. As far as my plan goes...just looking for info to help my "plan" before I start. Thanks for replying, Craig.