Hey Team,
Let it be known... I love you Garlic Mom...you've got such an upbeat spirit... I wish I could bottle it, I'd make a fortune. :dance:
7upuller, you will have to form a line on that project!
I am not too sure you will be able to contain that in a bottle anyway - bubbles over pressure the stopper!
Wow! The love :love: is flow'n uncontained...I can even feel it down here in So Cal!! :hug:
I wholeheartedly concur with both Garlic Mom AND Glen! :nod: You both bring so much to the table and believe me when I say, it NEVER goes unnoticed. Without Glen, the BOW would just be 'another show'...rather than the Spectacle that it is! And without Garlic Mom...well besides no free flowing garlic...there would be no Garlic Pete! :Cry:
Thank you for all you do!
Glen and Garlic Mom, two great people who give with an overflowing heart! Crawler, you are absolutely correct, without Garlic Mom there wouldn't be a Garlic Pete, who is another very generous person. I'm glad to know and be associated with all three!
I wholeheartedly agree with Paso Bob.
Garlic Mom and Garlic Pete, you are two very special people.
I am privaliged and thankful to know you both.
I agree with everything said on this post. I am fortunate and honored to be friends with all that have been mentioned here and loved. It is indeed a great group of people.