Reply to Rome K/G:
Happy New Year! Yes the frame can be removed if the back end of the tractor is high enough for clearance.
Hi Team,
to remove and refit sprockets in the field without a crane we used to rotate the track to have the master pin at the sprocket and split the track and bar it off the sprocket out of the way.
Proceed to undo the items as you have said and simply jack far enough for the sprocket to clear the track frame the rear of the machine on the side in question and securely block it up, for a rim replacement you could lift the rear less and bar the rear of the frame out/over enough for the rim to be removed and replaced.
Have done them this way--last one was a few years ago on Mike M's RD6.
There is an instruction in the Conservation Bulletins loaded on the site somewhere.
I have a later Special Instruction (SI) that I seem to have mislaid and the loaded copy I lost in a computer crash and cannot get my new laptop to read my backups--sheesh. The SI has same method and data if I recall correctly but may suggest different later specification rods. and/or wire.
Eddie B.