You have the right o ring probably, it’s sort of a chubby one. They get cone shaped from age. Replace the ferrule the o ring goes on and the seal on the pump shaft while you’re there.
Good luck
Bruce P.
Cat sent the right part.
I changed that O ring in a 9u 2+ years ago same thing. Had a helper that could remember how if he had done things before.But not the brightest bulb. He had never changed this seal and would not believe a square piece of rubber could be replaced by a O ring. He fused and groaned all during lunch,since I had asked here and been warned about how distorted they are after 60 years we put it in .Has not filled the crank case with diesel since.
well, after half a day eyeballing this thing , i decided it's not a o-ring , but gob of permatex the last guy used instead of the proper seal . it was squeezed all over the place.
This make do fix had been working ??????????? Or the machine is so new to you you cannot say?
Hope it has not spread junk into all kinds of places you don't want it.