Crack in pony jacket is usually a simple fix of veeing the crack out and filling it with epoxy such as JB Weld. You can also braze but it might take a couple of attempts to get it without the braze cracking (would need to heat the block to about 250 - much simpler to epoxy.
Value - not sure but since it runs and steers, it'll be more than scrap value. Someone here will have an idea on price. Is the seller asking for offers?
$2000 -3000 easy
The owner is wanting $2,000
Buy it!!!!
Second BUY IT!!!!
Go get him!!!
Looks like it’s got near new seats and you’ve got both right hand engine covers. By the looks of the air cleaner it might be a early 35. What’s the sn??
Good luck.
[quote="Bruce P"]Go get him!!!
Looks like it’s got near new seats and you’ve got both right hand engine covers. By the looks of the air cleaner it might be a early 35. What’s the sn??
Good luck.
Yes, you can see the Ensign carb, so original there
If you are not buying PM me where its at. My trailer is still hooked up. :biggrin1: :biggrin1: Looks like a saver for sure.
Serial number is 6e1170