The feed to the rockers is through the head Gordon, how old is the engine? They are only paper head gaskets and can eventually break up with age.
hi catsilver,
the machine is 1998, as i have not had a close look at the engine i'm not sure if the gasket has been changed. seems strange that the oil could get into the water through head gasket not water into the oil, obviously the oil is of a higher pressure than the cooling system but i would have assumed that some water would have tracked back through the passage the oil had taken.
looking at the new head gasket it only appears that it has water passages. i could not see any oil passages thus assumed a possiblity of a piped feed into the head. tractor is now coming back to the yard and we have a busy weekend ahead of us i guess!!!
thanks for your help, will keep you informed
I have rebuilt quite a few of them at the dealer but been retired 18 yrs. now so my memory is shady on how they were made.I know the 3126 was a replacement for them. I don,t have any books here either to look at on the 3116 and how they were made that I recall. I,ll take a look later to see if I have some with other books that I have put away.
Are you sure its not diesel Gordon, this can get by the injector seals. I think the oil fed to the rockers is through dowel.
Hi Sj if yr retired 18 years these engines are older than i thought. Seems to be a nice engine and i did know that the 3126 was a replacement i guess due to upgrading with regard to emissions.
Regards Gordon
Hello Catsilver, it's definately oil, the sludge is grey and the engine oil is disapearing. I signed on tonite to tell you that i was right the head gasket has no oil ways as i thought, as the oil is delivered up to the rocker gear through one of the locating you have now stated. We have removed the head and as i thought no signs of failure, I have spoken to two guys at Cannock and we are all thinking its one of those odd ones. Pressure checking the head in morning after that guess its sump off and pressure the cooling system. Gordon.
Gordan, the earliest one I found was built in 1989 a truck engine but others could have came out a little earlier but not sure.Did find an industrial that came out in 1988 and a marine in 1987. This kind of pins it down when they first came out.
I suppose that as this engine is in a D6M 1998 and the earlier model being the D5H we have being 1995 and has the 3304 engine im thinking the 3116 is a late engine when in fact its quite an old un !!
Gordon the 3126 came out as a mechanicl unit injector engine and later as electronic. Watch your head gasket, they come in two thicknesses.
Later Bob