Hi, Skinner.
There's NO hope for you. You're addicted. (Definition: "An 'addiction' is something that is done to avoid feeling a feeling." Seems you are avoiding feeling that another was lost when you could have saved it.)
Thanks for the photos and GOOD work.
Just my 0.02.
I can't compete! Skinner wins again! Nice saves. Let's see if you can button one of them up in time for SM. The pressure is on.
Thanks for saving them, lord only knows what would have happened to them had you not rescued them. Keep on hoardin'!!! JM
Nice saves!
Good additions. The day I find a wide 30 I’ll do a flip. Hopefully we can meet up at the SM show!
Well done JM. Tell me about that trailer - looks like a sliding axle gooseneck. What's the brand? I like it!
Thank you for the replies.
The trailer is hydraulic slide. Made for moving orchard equipment. Works great for moving small caterpillars too. Easy to use and has a winch.