all i can tell you is, that is somewhat rare.
Righthand drives are ag machines the last pass you made and the furrow you need to fallow is always on the right so you gotta be over there to see. and the are pretty rare and most were sold in the Centeral Valley of Calif
yes it is ag tractor ,in good shape hate to rob parts off but need to finish
restoration on dozer. thanks for info
do you have any pictutes? i would love to have an ag 8. hate to see you
tear it down. the ag tractors usually are in much better shape than the
tractors used in construction.
no pics on hand sorry, she is a sweety 5000 hrs on meter dual valve bg on rear
light kit and elect start pony mighty straight sheetmetal and excellent tracks,
liftime rollers and sprockets i hate to rob parts, i need fuel tank sprocket guards
and hood since my dozer spent most of its life on forest fires and in a silver ore
mine it was pretty banged up to say the least
crap! california is to far to ship an 8! i think you should reconsider. that is an
early 2U. if you do tear it down private message me. as i would buy some
parts from you i need, though i am going to pray tonight you change your
mind. since you posted this tonight i have found a lead on an ag 8 that is
about an hour from here, i will check on it, do not know what serial it is.
Bullcrk,6 that sure sounds to good to use for parts, sure hope you change yur mind.
Willie, now don't get all out of shape😄 I know you been around, but I don't quite follow "the last past you made and the furrow you need to follow" Is this plowing, discing chiselling that would benefit from the right hand drive?
Save that tractor if you can Bullcrk,6
Lots of work switching rollers and sprockets, can you just put your dozer blade and CCU on the ag tractor since it's in such good shape?
We ride over to your coastal area often. We were just in Cuyucas the other weekend.... been nice to see it.
If you want to PM or leave me your phone number I'll give you a call next time that way. I'll take some pics too 😄