What's the serial number and is it Scroll or Sleeve Metering Injection pump?
d5b z 26x01147 dont know what the z means and i do not know if it is a slaeve metering or schroll
The D5B went to Sleeve Metering at s/n 26X0878. Those injection pumps are prone to rusting if any water gets into the fuel, especially when units set for long periods of time. The sleeves will stick on the metering shafts. There is no magic fix other than tearing into the pump and cleaning any rust or deposits that are restricting the sleeve movement.
what needs to be done to pull the pump ? and is there a specific service publication for this pump or engine. thanks hud
what needs to be done to pull the pump ? and is there a specific service publication for this pump or engine. thanks hud
Here is the service manual for the sleeve metering system.
Edit: Sorry cant load file.
their are alot of manuals on e bay right now but all skip 26x
As far as disassembly and assembly of the injection pump, any 3306 engine with the sleeve metering pump uses the same information,