If you pull the shaft out lever #1 drops off the shaft. You will need to pull the front cover to gain access to put it back together. While your in there you should replace the two seals (#10) and probably some gaskets.
i am sure thats what has happened 15 and 16 is in front of #14 facing front to back of the pump correct is the seal behind the plate the same as 10 when i was looking at it ilooks like it will have to bee split right be hind the camshaft part of the pump
Yes, both seals are the same. Pull the shaft assembly out to get access to the inner one.
what about #2 dowel will it fall out in to some where bad ? i will get parts ordered to dayand wont get back to it untill i a ready to put it together , it is hooked a big double offset disc
thank you for your time spent, that is looking from the back of the pump and it is upside down on your work bench correct ?. you have no idea how much time this will save me out in the field and our customer, thay will have shop work for us this winter to keep the bills paid and my hired mechanics bills paid if we get slow, never does but i always worry about it. thanks hud
got the tractor back together this after noon had to much rain to get close to the tractor with the service truck for a few days it was areal pig to get bleed out but it that was about the best sounding engine i have heard for awhile and they were disking when i left the feild thanks for the help guys