A very clean install, thanks for sharing
Very clean installation. Where did you buy the alternator?
The guy that was working on the generator got it so I'm not sure where it came from but I can find out if you need one or see if I can find a tag on it. No wiring either, took the regulator out and connected the armature wire to the battery wire that were at the regulator.
Nice installation.
Just as a tidbit of information for those that have the Motorola 24 volt alternators with the attached replaceable voltage regulators. You can get a regulator from Motorola that converts these to a one wire system. It makes it very easy to correct bad wire or to simplify rewiring one. These heavy duty alternators were very common on sixties era machines up to at least 1974. (My 74 International had the same one)
DPete, I misunderstood your post. I thought you gave $200 for the single wire alternator. I bought one from Florin but paid more for it.