Reply to TerryinNorCal:
Thanx Willie, I was leanin' towards the carb, but couldn't figure what was causing it. What did they commonly use as a replacement?
The 22 is one of the easier starting tractos.
To start you need three things, some fuel, some compression and then above all else you need good hot spark. Those orginal eiseman mags only make a little spark when they are in good shape, take a way some condition and they arn't worth a far- , I use a fairbanks model k to replace them for the tractors I want to run, and save the eiseman for show.
There are other good modern mags to use, or rebuild the orginal with modern parts including a much hotter coil, I have used the coil from a american bosch to rebuild the eiseman and this makes them a real hot mag
I use this tractor to pull my bee gee pan and it gets a work out and has never failed yet.
Correct timing is also important for good starts too, also might add that I only use autolite plugs because the rest are worthless in old engines with todays 4.00 gas. Need more help please call me 716-761-6447.